Thursday, April 14, 2011

Grey Dog Trading Company

Grey Dog Trading Company is a small gallery shop in Tucson that sells Native American art;  Navajo weavings, Hopi katsina dolls, Zuni fetishes, Navajo and Zuni jewelry, and Inuit stone carvings primarily.  The shop is owned and operated by Kent and Laurie McManis, a couple of the very best people I have the privilege to know.  Kent is a very well known and highly respected trader and recognized expert on Hopi katsina dolls and Zuni fetishes.  He often judges at the three leading Native arts fairs at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, the Gallup Indian Fair, and Santa Fe Indian Market.

So what does this have to to do with Cabochon Designz?  Not much really - but a little bit to do about rocks.  I started working at the gallery part time last December and look forward to my one or two days a week in the shop.  I love learning about native culture and their spiritual beliefs associated with the art.  I got the gig partially due to my knowledge of rock types and can identify many of the materials used by the Zuni fetish carvers, as well as a decent working knowledge of Navajo weaving regional styles and weaving technique on the unique Navajo loom.  Every month during the 'season' (winter here) we have an artist show where two or three artists come to the gallery for a two day show and sale.  I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking with many of the leading native artists currently working.  I love this gig!

Check out the gallery's website at:

Eagle by Dee Edaakie (Zuni) - Chiapas Amber
Badger by Bernie Laselute (Zuni) - Picasso Marble
Frog by Gabe Sice (Zuni) - Deer antler
Dancing Walrus by Alec Petooloosie (Iqaluit) - Serpentine
Ogre Woman by Loren Phillips (Hopi) - Cottonwood Root

Enjoy.  Jim    ...

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